- Lundi 9:00am - 6:00pm
- mardi 9:00am - 6:00pm
- Mercredi 9:00am - 6:00pm
- jeudi 9:00am - 6:00pm
- vendredi 9:00am - 8:00pm
- samedi 9:00am - 5:00pm
- dimanche Gone Riding
Utilisant de nombreuses technologies identiques à celles que l'on retrouve sur les machines plus grandes de la gamme des minicycles, le TC 50 offers future motocross superstars the highest level of performance. Manufactured with unrivalled attention to detail and assembled with high quality components, the TC 50 is a premium motorcycle designed to perform out on the race track.
Moteur The modern and compact engine features the latest in 2-stroke technology offering class leading performance and ride-ability. By using a 3-shaft design, the crankshaft is positioned near the center of gravity which not only benefits mass centralization but also creates the ideal intake angle into the reed valve, delivering top level performance. Additionally, a power reduction kit is available from Husqvarna accessories which limits the TC 50 to 5.5hp for first timers and complete beginners. |
Cylindre Le cylindre haute performance est fabriqué en aluminium léger et durable et intègre une soupape d'échappement à pression contrôlée (PCEV) which provides unrivalled performance within the highly competitive 50classe cc. |
Embrayage automatique A key feature of the TC 50 is the automatic centrifugal clutch. This allows the young riders to focus on riding without the complexity of operating a manual clutch and gearbox. The multi-disc clutch delivers a precise and predictable power delivery across the RPM range. |
Échappement The exhaust is designed to specifically match the character of the TC 50 engine and is manufactured using a 3 dimensional stamping process by WP performance systems. Once the components are shaped they are robot welded to ensure high levels of quality and durability. |
Le cadre en acier au chrome-molybdène à haute résistance intègre des paramètres soigneusement calculés de flexion longitudinale et de rigidité en torsion pour améliorer la maniabilité et la fonctionnalité de la suspension. Il garantit une maniabilité aisée et des virages précis, ainsi qu'une stabilité exceptionnelle. |
Fourche avant WP XACT
Doté de la dernière technologie de suspension, le TC 50 est équipé d'un WP AER révolutionnaire 35 fourche. En plus d'être très léger, le 35 mm USD forks feature exceptional damping and comfort characteristics allowing the rider to push the limit with complete confidence. With 205 mm of wheel travel, the air unit in the left fork leg can also be adjusted easily with the use of an air pump for rider preference, weight or track conditions. |
Amortisseur mono WP XACT
Linked directly to the swingarm, the WP monoshock is matched perfectly to the front forks for the perfect balance and damping characteristics. Additionally, the rear shock offers 185 mm of suspension travel and is fully adjustable allowing it to be tailored to rider preferences or track conditions. |
Doté du même niveau de technologie que celui proposé sur le modèle complet-gamme de motocross de taille, la TC 50 is fitted with hydraulically operated brake calipers and waved front and rear brake discs. The system ensures advanced brake feeling and stopping performance in all conditions. |